Vehicle and ECU Details:
Model: VW Tiguan 2018
Transmission: DSG DQ380
Operations: Read and write operations successful
Mode: Pinout Mode
Using: ECUHELP KT200II ECU Programmer

Connection and Operation:
The KT200II is connected to the ECU in Pinout Mode, ensuring a stable and secure link for the operations.
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The reading process by KT200II was 100% successful.
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Similarly, the writing process was completed without any issues, achieving 100% success.
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KT200II wiring diagram of BOSCH DQ380/DQ381/DQ500 – VAG GROUP

To connect to the control unit use:
– Cable DFB 6EACBB05
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Alternatively, use:
– Multifunction cable
– Round pin connectors
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ECUHELP KT200II has proven to be a reliable and efficient tool for TCU reading and writing tasks on the VW Tiguan 2018, specifically with the DSG DQ380 transmission. The successful connection in Pinout Mode, verified by 100% completion rates in both reading and writing operations, highlights the device’s effectiveness. Suitable wiring and connection methods ensure robust and flexible usage, making the KT200II an excellent choice for automotive diagnostics and modifications.