Question: ECUHELP KT200 for ecu sid803 psa, read id ok, read flash not work, full system mode.
Attach 4 images which include the error pop-up, the ECU outlook, and the connection:

Possible reason and solution:
Because you chose wrong ecu, your ECU is sid803 and you selected sid803A.
And KT200 read and write SID803 BDM mode.

KT200 wiring diagram of Siemens SID803
Kit to use:
– Multifunction cable
– Siemens/Marelli adapter
– Grey flat cable
– Connectors dip/sip

Connect multifunction cable as follows:

Solder the dip/sip connectors on the pcb:

Insert Siemens/Marelli adapter as in photo:

KT200 read and write use the following driver:
→ MPC55x/56x

Following these detailed instructions should resolve the reading issue with the Siemens SID803 PSA ECU when using the KT200 in BDM mode.